Tech & Geek

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World’s First AI Robot Capable of Writing Its Own Music
The musical robot was trained on a vast data set of everything from progressive rock to jazz to rap. Shimon takes this knowledge of mus...
New emojis are coming to Facebook
"Care" and "beating heart" are on the way!
What are you searching for?
Most googled items of 2019
GPS directions to get more precise
Remember the story of the Australian who followed his GPS and drove onto a pier and up a set of stairs? Or how about the Coloradans who...
Just when you thought YOU had a gaming problem...
Do you ever wonder if you're addicted to the games on your phone or console? I tend to ask myself from time to time if Toy Blast and...
Phone bodies are starting to exist
While there are so many reasons to be thankful for technology, here's one to possibly be annoyed with it. Researchers say it's c...
LG's 'SnowWhite' Is A Keurig That Makes Ice Cream!!
You read that headline right! LG is developing a Keurig that will help create your favorite frozen treats in just minutes. To make it...
7 Day Guide To A Digital Detox...Can You Do It?
The Smartphone Cleanse: A 7-Day Guide to a Digital Detox According to a new study, smartphones are not only deteriorating face-to-fa...
The Fastest Way to Get the Score!
IMAGE CREDIT: Midwest Communications, Inc . One guy was listening to the radio. Everyone else was watching a TV. ...
Facebook Is Testing Out A New Feature That Will Let You Block Anything You Don't Want To See!
Facebook is testing a new feature that will help you block out spoilers, Kardashians, or even politics. You can even block puppies if ...
Lose something? Find it in minutes with a device called Tile.
Here’s a story I wanted to share. A 6 years old boy wandered away from home one day and was finally found 24 hours later. Family, volun...
Google Assistant can now have humanlike conversations
For years we have benefited from digital assistants like Siri, Google Now, Cortana and many others. They have provided assistance on ma...
Top Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
Recently I made the switch from my trusty MacBook Pro back to a Windows 10 laptop. I had become very reliant on the MacBook's keyboa...
Tesla in Space
Elon Musk, inventor and founder of Tesla created what's being called the most powerful rocket in operation. The Falcon Heavy, built by ...
McDonald's fries might have the cure for baldness
A chemical used in McDonald's fries has cured baldness in mice and is assumed to work on humans. Now this isn't what it looks like. ...
The Google Pixel line is quietly becoming the best smartphone on the market
Google put more effort into their Google Pixel line than their previous phones and people are raving about them. For years Google m...
WATCH: Tamagotchi's Are Making A Comeback This Season!
It's their 20th anniversary and now i'm really excited!
Glass Skywalk CRACKS While You Walk!!
This looks terrifying!! As someone who has a fear of heights I don't need an extra step to get my hear pumping. However the creators...
WATCH: Apple iPhone X First Look
This looks insane!
The “Single Greatest Misconception About iOS”
Last week, while asking an unrelated question about my iPhone, I learned that I had a lot of apps open in the background. Open? Yeah, I...